Thank you for the thoughtful question! You made a great point about exploring alternatives. Choosing the right workflow orchestration tool is a key architectural decision.
It dependes on your needs and limits. So, choose between Temporal and tools like Mule Studion, Apache Airflow, or Conductor. The key consideration is how much control you need over the workflow implemtation and exeecution.
If you're building integration workflows or ETL pipelines, use tools like Airflow or Mule Studion. They work well for visual building. They can help you get up and running faster with less code. They're best for simple workflows where the visuals add value.
For complex process that need custom logic, use Temporal's code - first approach. It manages errors nad has close integration with your app. Using you app's language gives you more flexibility. You can put in place complex business rules and maintain them with your core logic.
I chose Tempora for this example. It fits typical Spring Boot patterns. You can use existing tools, tests, and deployment processes. But it's one of several valida choices.